How to make breakthroughs in your business and win


You've probably heard the expression, "You can't see the forest from the trees." This expression means that the closer you are to an object, the more your perspective changes because you are too close to it.

The same thing happens in business. Every day that you wake up, you grind to make a living. 4am, 5am, 6am wake up times, just to stay up for another 14 hours to "get business done.", but have you ever asked yourself, what am I missing? what am I not seeing because I'm too close to it?

In a business coaching session last week, my client and I discovered that they were losing thousands of dollars a year due to improper pricing of a service. In another coaching session with a different client, we discovered they were so busy that they were not submitting information that directly impacted their revenue. Sometimes, when these mistakes come to light, you can feel ashamed, stupid, or unworthy to be in business. However, if you feel that way, it's probably your ego talking, not reality.

The reality of business is that it is a journey, an endless road to discovering what we know and what we don't know. And guess what? We will always find a significant disparity between what we know and what we don't know.


We can turn this around by not assuming we should know everything but by humbling ourselves to the learning process and concentrating on skill stacking.

Skill stacking is the process of focusing on developing one business skill, then another, then another. The question you should ask yourself is, what skill am I mastering today? this month, this quarter, or this year?

Stack your skills in order of weakness: Is it cashflow management, marketing, revenue generation, organization, reading financial statements, or strategic planning? Whatever it is, pick ONE and get started.

Here's some advice if you are stuck

Think logically for a moment about what behaviors you've engaged in to get you where you are and work backward from there. Here are some steps to reverse-engineer your malaise:

  1. Analyze every significant and minor decision you've made in your business around operations, sales, and branding
  2. Ask yourself one question: what was the result of each decision?
  3. Then ask yourself: is my business better off today because I made those decisions?
  4. Assess every hour of your day and critically examine how you spend your time. Does your day reflect your goals? For example, if your goal is to generate sales, what percentage of your day is spent directly influencing how many sales are generated?
  5. If you're not getting the results you want in your business, what is the difference between where you are now and where you want to be? When was the last time you did something that contributed to you getting the result you wanted? Once you figure that out, duplicate that, then triple that effort!

Being great in business is not about "being great;" it's about being consistently good. The key word is consistency. If you are inconsistent, then you are letting yourself down.

Engage only in behaviors that drive your success and leave the rest alone.

You got this,


P.S. - If you are interested in having me assess your business schedule a free business triage session: CLICK HERE TO SCHEDULE

Quote of the week

"The best way to predict the future is to create it."

- Abraham Lincoln

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